About us… why we do what we do

Sympathy embroidery machine pattern, A piece of my heart has wings, at Sewing Divine
Although Sewing Divine had been a “thing” for several years, the re-building of my website began in 2015. It was, however, abruptly halted for nearly a year. My heart and life were shattered. The story behind the long pause is what birthed my Sympathy and Grief designs.

On September 16th of 2015 I lost an irreplaceable piece of my heart when my daughter went home to be with Jesus. Jamie was 38 years young, and my firstborn child. This is a loss like no other, a loss that only those who have lost a child can comprehend. God alone has held me together, by His grace, His mercy, and His love. It was He who gave me the vision for these designs. They have been a blessing to me and my customers. These little pieces of my heart and work are spreading throughout the world, touching the hearts of others. I enjoy creating all designs and prints my heart is in creating for my “Matters Of The Heart” Collection.

Thank you for visiting, join my email list if you would like to be notified of new listings, and I hope you find something that touches your heart. Come again!

Your Life Was A Blessing Memory Embroidery Design

Goodbyes Hurt Machine Embroidery Design

We Had An Angel Baby Loss Machine Embroidery Pattern

I Loved You Hearts Embroidery Design

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